The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans



The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.

Byzantine Relations with the Slavs

The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.

Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)

Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.

The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans



The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.

Byzantine Relations with the Slavs

The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.

Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)

Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.

The Arrival of the Slavs in the Balkans



The Slavs, originating from the eastern regions of the Russian steppe, arrived in the Balkan Peninsula around the 5th century. Over the next two and a half centuries, they gradually occupied the area, pushing aside the local Hellenized population, especially in Thrace and Macedonia. By the end of this period, the Slavs had settled across the entire peninsula, except for the coastal regions where the existing inhabitants relied on the military strength of Byzantium to keep the new settlers away.

Byzantine Relations with the Slavs

The Byzantine emperors did not see the Slavs as enemies. The Slavs were peaceful tribes who became farmers and herders. They were not aggressive or politically driven. Over time, the Slavic settlers were even called upon to fight alongside the Byzantines against common enemies. The Byzantine ruling court viewed the gradual settlement of Slavic farmers and herdsmen in the Balkans favorably City Tour Istanbul.

Old Bulgarians’ Arrival (Around 650 A.D.)

Around 650 A.D., a powerful group of Old Bulgarians, led by their khan Asparukh, arrived at the banks of the Danube, dividing Romania from Bulgaria. Settling in North Dobrudja, they initiated raids on Byzantine territory. The Old Bulgarians had originated from the region between the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama. Unlike the Slavs, they were more politically oriented. Over the centuries, small migrant groups of Old Bulgarians had integrated into Slavic communities. The Old Bulgarians, skilled organizers, extended their political influence over the Slavs, providing them with a name, a sense of unity, and leadership. They adopted the Slavs’ language and embraced a greater sense of democratic policy.