Shattered Sanctity


The Brutal Assault on Perustitza’s Churchyard

Perustitza, a village thrust into the relentless jaws of conflict, bore witness to a horrifying chapter when the sacred grounds of its churchyard became the target of relentless artillery bombardment. The echoes of devastation lingered in the ploughed-up earth, marked with the scars of shells that tore through the air with unrelenting force. In this harrowing account, the churchyard, once a place of solace, became a battlefield where the vulnerability of the innocent collided with the brutality of war.

The Armenian girl’s testimony unveils a grim reality as she describes the agonizing fate of the women and children who sought refuge within the church. Packed so densely that sitting or lying down became impossible, the church transformed into a crowded sanctuary of despair. Here, amidst the walls scarred by the impact of shells, a tragedy unfolded as three projectiles penetrated the round windows in the gable ends, detonating within the masses of defenseless women and children.

The Unseen Horrors Shells Pierce Perustitza’s Sanctuary

As the investigation unfolded, the evidence became chillingly clear – the churchyard of Perustitza had become a target of unbridled destruction. The marks left by the shells on the church’s walls painted a haunting picture of the relentless assault that unfolded within the sacred space. The very sanctity of the churchyard, a haven in times of turmoil, crumbled under the weight of artillery bombardment.

The Armenian girl’s account, a poignant testament to the horrors witnessed, spoke of the unimaginable conditions within the church. As shells tore through the round windows, the tightly packed mass of women and children became the tragic recipients of this merciless onslaught. The visible marks of two shells, striking perilously close to one of these windows, revealed the precision with which the assailants targeted the vulnerable sanctuary Balkan Tours.

Contrary accounts emerged regarding the number of shells that breached the church’s defenses – the villagers claiming five, while the Armenian girl recounted three. In the face of such brutality, the minutiae of the count pales in comparison to the undeniable truth that the sanctity of Perustitza’s churchyard was violated, leaving in its wake a trail of devastation and heartbreak.

The haunting reality of the shattered churchyard calls for reflection on the indiscriminate nature of warfare, where even places of worship and refuge are not spared. Perustitza’s sanctuary, once a symbol of solace and community, became a battleground stained with the innocent blood of those seeking shelter. In the face of such horrors, the scars on the church walls serve as a somber reminder of the enduring impact of conflict on the lives of the defenseless.

Shattered Sanctity


The Brutal Assault on Perustitza’s Churchyard

Perustitza, a village thrust into the relentless jaws of conflict, bore witness to a horrifying chapter when the sacred grounds of its churchyard became the target of relentless artillery bombardment. The echoes of devastation lingered in the ploughed-up earth, marked with the scars of shells that tore through the air with unrelenting force. In this harrowing account, the churchyard, once a place of solace, became a battlefield where the vulnerability of the innocent collided with the brutality of war.

The Armenian girl’s testimony unveils a grim reality as she describes the agonizing fate of the women and children who sought refuge within the church. Packed so densely that sitting or lying down became impossible, the church transformed into a crowded sanctuary of despair. Here, amidst the walls scarred by the impact of shells, a tragedy unfolded as three projectiles penetrated the round windows in the gable ends, detonating within the masses of defenseless women and children.

The Unseen Horrors Shells Pierce Perustitza’s Sanctuary

As the investigation unfolded, the evidence became chillingly clear – the churchyard of Perustitza had become a target of unbridled destruction. The marks left by the shells on the church’s walls painted a haunting picture of the relentless assault that unfolded within the sacred space. The very sanctity of the churchyard, a haven in times of turmoil, crumbled under the weight of artillery bombardment.

The Armenian girl’s account, a poignant testament to the horrors witnessed, spoke of the unimaginable conditions within the church. As shells tore through the round windows, the tightly packed mass of women and children became the tragic recipients of this merciless onslaught. The visible marks of two shells, striking perilously close to one of these windows, revealed the precision with which the assailants targeted the vulnerable sanctuary Balkan Tours.

Contrary accounts emerged regarding the number of shells that breached the church’s defenses – the villagers claiming five, while the Armenian girl recounted three. In the face of such brutality, the minutiae of the count pales in comparison to the undeniable truth that the sanctity of Perustitza’s churchyard was violated, leaving in its wake a trail of devastation and heartbreak.

The haunting reality of the shattered churchyard calls for reflection on the indiscriminate nature of warfare, where even places of worship and refuge are not spared. Perustitza’s sanctuary, once a symbol of solace and community, became a battleground stained with the innocent blood of those seeking shelter. In the face of such horrors, the scars on the church walls serve as a somber reminder of the enduring impact of conflict on the lives of the defenseless.