
A Journey from Two Friends’ Walks to a Thriving Nature Sports Club

A Healthy Initiative Blossoms

One beautiful Sunday morning in the spring of the 2010s, a friend and I in Isparta decided to embark on a healthy 2-kilometer walk towards the hills. Eager to make this a regular and enjoyable activity, we envisioned forming a group committed to a healthy lifestyle intertwined with nature. Little did we know that this simple idea would evolve into something much larger.

From Two to Over 95 Members

Our initial walks paved the way for the creation of the Turkish Lakeland Nature Sports and Hobby Club, lovingly known as GOLDOSK. With a mission to encourage citizens to embrace nature, slow down, and escape stress, GOLDOSK has grown to over 95 members. Liked by thousands on social media, the club has become a symbol of active living in Isparta.

Exploring Local Beauties

Despite living in Isparta for over 30 years, I had never truly appreciated the natural beauty of the region. What were once green and brown areas on the city map became the picturesque locations we explored over the past year and a half. Every Sunday, our group traded sleep for dirt roads, thyme-scented pine forests, and the vibrant colors of spring flowers Guided Tours Turkey.

Adventures for All Ages

What began as treks for two blossomed into adventures for tens. Our diverse group includes officers, businessmen, writers, professors, workers, and retirees, spanning ages from 10 to 70. Generational differences melted away as friendships flourished, and every Sunday, we converged at the GOLDOSK building within Isparta Teraspark facilities.

GOLDOSK’s Recognition and Achievements

GOLDOSK’s commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle through nature sports has not gone unnoticed. The club boasts over 100 completed activities, gaining recognition from the International Federation of Popular Sports (IVV). As the most active and enjoyable organization in the Lakeland, GOLDOSK received an official invitation to the 12th Nature and Popular Sports Games hosted by IVV in Antalya.

Crocuses Smiling Under the Rain

GOLDOSK’s journey is marked by the smiles of crocuses under the rain, symbolizing the joy, growth, and flourishing camaraderie within the club. As we continue our adventures, our aim is to expand the culture of embracing nature and organizing diverse activities, turning GOLDOSK into a beacon for Lakeland’s nature enthusiast



A Journey from Two Friends’ Walks to a Thriving Nature Sports Club

A Healthy Initiative Blossoms

One beautiful Sunday morning in the spring of the 2010s, a friend and I in Isparta decided to embark on a healthy 2-kilometer walk towards the hills. Eager to make this a regular and enjoyable activity, we envisioned forming a group committed to a healthy lifestyle intertwined with nature. Little did we know that this simple idea would evolve into something much larger.

From Two to Over 95 Members

Our initial walks paved the way for the creation of the Turkish Lakeland Nature Sports and Hobby Club, lovingly known as GOLDOSK. With a mission to encourage citizens to embrace nature, slow down, and escape stress, GOLDOSK has grown to over 95 members. Liked by thousands on social media, the club has become a symbol of active living in Isparta.

Exploring Local Beauties

Despite living in Isparta for over 30 years, I had never truly appreciated the natural beauty of the region. What were once green and brown areas on the city map became the picturesque locations we explored over the past year and a half. Every Sunday, our group traded sleep for dirt roads, thyme-scented pine forests, and the vibrant colors of spring flowers Guided Tours Turkey.

Adventures for All Ages

What began as treks for two blossomed into adventures for tens. Our diverse group includes officers, businessmen, writers, professors, workers, and retirees, spanning ages from 10 to 70. Generational differences melted away as friendships flourished, and every Sunday, we converged at the GOLDOSK building within Isparta Teraspark facilities.

GOLDOSK’s Recognition and Achievements

GOLDOSK’s commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle through nature sports has not gone unnoticed. The club boasts over 100 completed activities, gaining recognition from the International Federation of Popular Sports (IVV). As the most active and enjoyable organization in the Lakeland, GOLDOSK received an official invitation to the 12th Nature and Popular Sports Games hosted by IVV in Antalya.

Crocuses Smiling Under the Rain

GOLDOSK’s journey is marked by the smiles of crocuses under the rain, symbolizing the joy, growth, and flourishing camaraderie within the club. As we continue our adventures, our aim is to expand the culture of embracing nature and organizing diverse activities, turning GOLDOSK into a beacon for Lakeland’s nature enthusiast



A Journey from Two Friends’ Walks to a Thriving Nature Sports Club

A Healthy Initiative Blossoms

One beautiful Sunday morning in the spring of the 2010s, a friend and I in Isparta decided to embark on a healthy 2-kilometer walk towards the hills. Eager to make this a regular and enjoyable activity, we envisioned forming a group committed to a healthy lifestyle intertwined with nature. Little did we know that this simple idea would evolve into something much larger.

From Two to Over 95 Members

Our initial walks paved the way for the creation of the Turkish Lakeland Nature Sports and Hobby Club, lovingly known as GOLDOSK. With a mission to encourage citizens to embrace nature, slow down, and escape stress, GOLDOSK has grown to over 95 members. Liked by thousands on social media, the club has become a symbol of active living in Isparta.

Exploring Local Beauties

Despite living in Isparta for over 30 years, I had never truly appreciated the natural beauty of the region. What were once green and brown areas on the city map became the picturesque locations we explored over the past year and a half. Every Sunday, our group traded sleep for dirt roads, thyme-scented pine forests, and the vibrant colors of spring flowers Guided Tours Turkey.

Adventures for All Ages

What began as treks for two blossomed into adventures for tens. Our diverse group includes officers, businessmen, writers, professors, workers, and retirees, spanning ages from 10 to 70. Generational differences melted away as friendships flourished, and every Sunday, we converged at the GOLDOSK building within Isparta Teraspark facilities.

GOLDOSK’s Recognition and Achievements

GOLDOSK’s commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle through nature sports has not gone unnoticed. The club boasts over 100 completed activities, gaining recognition from the International Federation of Popular Sports (IVV). As the most active and enjoyable organization in the Lakeland, GOLDOSK received an official invitation to the 12th Nature and Popular Sports Games hosted by IVV in Antalya.

Crocuses Smiling Under the Rain

GOLDOSK’s journey is marked by the smiles of crocuses under the rain, symbolizing the joy, growth, and flourishing camaraderie within the club. As we continue our adventures, our aim is to expand the culture of embracing nature and organizing diverse activities, turning GOLDOSK into a beacon for Lakeland’s nature enthusiast



A Journey from Two Friends’ Walks to a Thriving Nature Sports Club

A Healthy Initiative Blossoms

One beautiful Sunday morning in the spring of the 2010s, a friend and I in Isparta decided to embark on a healthy 2-kilometer walk towards the hills. Eager to make this a regular and enjoyable activity, we envisioned forming a group committed to a healthy lifestyle intertwined with nature. Little did we know that this simple idea would evolve into something much larger.

From Two to Over 95 Members

Our initial walks paved the way for the creation of the Turkish Lakeland Nature Sports and Hobby Club, lovingly known as GOLDOSK. With a mission to encourage citizens to embrace nature, slow down, and escape stress, GOLDOSK has grown to over 95 members. Liked by thousands on social media, the club has become a symbol of active living in Isparta.

Exploring Local Beauties

Despite living in Isparta for over 30 years, I had never truly appreciated the natural beauty of the region. What were once green and brown areas on the city map became the picturesque locations we explored over the past year and a half. Every Sunday, our group traded sleep for dirt roads, thyme-scented pine forests, and the vibrant colors of spring flowers Guided Tours Turkey.

Adventures for All Ages

What began as treks for two blossomed into adventures for tens. Our diverse group includes officers, businessmen, writers, professors, workers, and retirees, spanning ages from 10 to 70. Generational differences melted away as friendships flourished, and every Sunday, we converged at the GOLDOSK building within Isparta Teraspark facilities.

GOLDOSK’s Recognition and Achievements

GOLDOSK’s commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle through nature sports has not gone unnoticed. The club boasts over 100 completed activities, gaining recognition from the International Federation of Popular Sports (IVV). As the most active and enjoyable organization in the Lakeland, GOLDOSK received an official invitation to the 12th Nature and Popular Sports Games hosted by IVV in Antalya.

Crocuses Smiling Under the Rain

GOLDOSK’s journey is marked by the smiles of crocuses under the rain, symbolizing the joy, growth, and flourishing camaraderie within the club. As we continue our adventures, our aim is to expand the culture of embracing nature and organizing diverse activities, turning GOLDOSK into a beacon for Lakeland’s nature enthusiast



A Journey from Two Friends’ Walks to a Thriving Nature Sports Club

A Healthy Initiative Blossoms

One beautiful Sunday morning in the spring of the 2010s, a friend and I in Isparta decided to embark on a healthy 2-kilometer walk towards the hills. Eager to make this a regular and enjoyable activity, we envisioned forming a group committed to a healthy lifestyle intertwined with nature. Little did we know that this simple idea would evolve into something much larger.

From Two to Over 95 Members

Our initial walks paved the way for the creation of the Turkish Lakeland Nature Sports and Hobby Club, lovingly known as GOLDOSK. With a mission to encourage citizens to embrace nature, slow down, and escape stress, GOLDOSK has grown to over 95 members. Liked by thousands on social media, the club has become a symbol of active living in Isparta.

Exploring Local Beauties

Despite living in Isparta for over 30 years, I had never truly appreciated the natural beauty of the region. What were once green and brown areas on the city map became the picturesque locations we explored over the past year and a half. Every Sunday, our group traded sleep for dirt roads, thyme-scented pine forests, and the vibrant colors of spring flowers Guided Tours Turkey.

Adventures for All Ages

What began as treks for two blossomed into adventures for tens. Our diverse group includes officers, businessmen, writers, professors, workers, and retirees, spanning ages from 10 to 70. Generational differences melted away as friendships flourished, and every Sunday, we converged at the GOLDOSK building within Isparta Teraspark facilities.

GOLDOSK’s Recognition and Achievements

GOLDOSK’s commitment to promoting a healthy lifestyle through nature sports has not gone unnoticed. The club boasts over 100 completed activities, gaining recognition from the International Federation of Popular Sports (IVV). As the most active and enjoyable organization in the Lakeland, GOLDOSK received an official invitation to the 12th Nature and Popular Sports Games hosted by IVV in Antalya.

Crocuses Smiling Under the Rain

GOLDOSK’s journey is marked by the smiles of crocuses under the rain, symbolizing the joy, growth, and flourishing camaraderie within the club. As we continue our adventures, our aim is to expand the culture of embracing nature and organizing diverse activities, turning GOLDOSK into a beacon for Lakeland’s nature enthusiast