Continued Applauding


Mrs. Bark was touched by the speech, and he or she continued applauding even when the remainder of the ladies had stopped.

There was a spontaneous rush to the speaker’s stand on the a part of the ladies to shake the younger speaker’s hand and to congratulate him.

Mrs. Bark was amongst them, and he or she was pleasantly shocked when the younger lecturer addressed her.

“Why, Mrs. Bark, how are you? You look fantastic.”

Whereas she was anxious to ask how he knew her, the opposite girls on the platform pushed her away.

When the turmoil had ceased, she came to visit to him.

“Gee, my goodness, I’m so glad that youse is aware of me. Vy, it’s an ideal pleasure—a advantageous speaker—a pleasant younger man—to know me.”

Ben Star smilingly responded, “Why, don’t you re-member me, Mrs. Barkowsky? You lived subsequent door to us. You and my mom are nice mates. I went to grammar college and highschool along with your Sammy.”

“Youse means to inform me that you just’re Bella Starkow- sky’s son?”

He answered with pleasure, “I’m very sorry my mom couldn’t be right here right now; my grandpa had a nasty night time. And by the way in which, how is your son, Sam?”

Rose Bark lowered her head . . . She couldn’t reply. . . . Final night time once more her Sam had come house at daybreak, the aroma of alcohol reaching her nostrils.


WHEN Abe Robin reached the guts of “the outdated terri-tory”—the neighborhood the place as an immigrant he had spent his younger manhood, he considered these laborious days and the lovable unsere menshen who had given him shelter and meals.

He remembered most vividly Mendel the melamed, with whom he had stayed in the course of the first two or three weeks after his arrival from the outdated nation.

The home had not modified.

When Robin knocked on the door, Minna, outdated Mendel’s daughter, met him. She was shocked to see her wealthy landsman standing there.

“Inform me, Minna,” he requested, “how is father? How is your mom, that kosher soul? Are you married?”

“Thank God . . . married for 5 years now. My husband misplaced his job six months after our mairiage. However thank God, from time to time he finds just a few days work. Thank God, Poppa and Momma are all proper. They’re each within the Outdated House. They’re very glad there. Now

they bless the great individuals who supplied a house for his or her outdated age.”

“By the way in which,” Robin inquired unexpectedly, “how is your youthful sister, Lena?”

Big Houses


Passing between the massive homes

Stroll a number of steps from the ocean, passing between the massive homes which entrance it into the Piazza delle Erbe, and also you come without delay right into a busy strangeness of Croatia girdled about by Italy. Dalmatia has been possessed wholly or partly by Romans, Goths, Slavs, Hungarians, Turks, Venetians. Now good Austrian troopers make themselves at house in Zara, however Italy appears nonetheless to rule there, stretching palms out of the previous. Italian could also be heard on all sides, however the peasants who throng the calle and the market-place and the harbor converse a Slavonic dialect, and within the piazza on any morning, virtually within the shadow of the Romanesque cathedral, and watched over by a griffin perched on a excessive Corinthian column hung with chains, which announce its previous service as a pillory, chances are you’ll hear their chatter, and see the homosexual colours of costumes which to the untraveled may maybe recommend comedian opera.

Wildness of the close to East

There’s a wildness of the close to East on this me-dieval Italian city, a wildness which blooms and fades between tall homes of stone, dealing with one another so carefully that pal may virtually clasp hand with pal leaning from window to reverse window. Towards the somber grays and browns of facades, set within the deep shadows of the paved alleys that are Zara’s streets, transfer good colours, scarlet and sil-ver, blue and crimson and silver. Multitudes of cash and curious heavy ornaments glitter on the caps and the clothes of ladies. Huge boys and nice, striding males, courageous in embroidered jackets, with bright-red caps too small for the pinnacle, silver buttons, purple sashes caught stuffed with weapons and different impedimenta, gaiters, and pointed sneakers, march hither and thither, calmly intent on some enterprise which has introduced them in from the outlying dis-tricts. It varies, after all, with the altering seasons. Within the latter a part of October and starting of November a lot of the male peasants had been promoting very massive hares. Dwell cocks and hens had been being disposed of by lots of the girls, and it’s a com-mon factor in Zara to see well-dressed folks bearing about with them bunches of puffed-out and drearily blinking poultry, which they’ve purchased casually at some nook; by the good Venetian tower; or close to the spherical, two-storied church of San Donato, based on the spot the place as soon as stood a Roman discussion board, whose pavement nonetheless stays; or maybe by San Simeone, near the palace of the governor, the place below the black eagles of Austria the sentry, in blue and vivid yellow, stands drowsily within the sunshine earlier than his black and yellow field/

Wealthy Samuel


The wealthy Samuel then took a big home

The wealthy Samuel then took a big home, and his household got here to reside there as quickly because it was prepared for them. One room was set aside, because it was for use as a Synagogue. On the partitions the next inscriptions had been to be learn: “ Be diligent, trustworthy and true ” ; “ Keep in mind the poor ” ; “ Concern evil and love the great ” ;

Search peace and pursue it ” ; “ Love God and thy fellow-creature.” Samuel put the beard of the dwarf in a small cupboard in an adjoining room, the important thing of this room being entrusted to his spouse’s care.

Samuel and his household gathered collectively of their Synagogue each morning and evening to reward their Heavenly Father and to thank Him for His lovingkindness. They didn’t overlook the dwarf’s directions. The poor had been at all times acquired most kindly of their home. Each deserving case was handled in a sympathetic method.

His wealth grew to become the speak of the city. In time he acquired a summons from the king to return to his court docket. His real modesty and consideration for others endeared him to all who met him. The king counted him amongst his mates finish continuously consulted him. “ Let me serve you, most gracious sire ! ” stated Samuel to the king, “and likewise the nation the place I reside, and you’ll make me the happiest of males.” He was variously employed on completely different events, and his skill enabled bim to discharge his tough duties with full, success. The extra he gave away in charity, the richer he grew. He by no means accepted any remuneration for the providers he so gladly rendered on behalf of his king and nation. His disinterestedness marked him out amongst his fellow-citizens.

Because the years glided by the sons grew up

Because the years glided by the sons grew up. They didn’t by any means come as much as the usual anticipated by their mother and father. In time the elder son, Mark, left house and went overseas. His father had given him a big fortune on his departure, however he had quickly squandered each penny of it. He wrote house to his father asking for additional assist. Samuel despatched him the identical sum he had origins Uy given him, and he wrote to warn him that he was not finishing up the settlement which the dwarf had stipulated. He added: “ Cash is for use and never abused. Until you mend your methods you’ll not prosper.”

Comfy House


Properly-cushioned and comfy house

Each tub, nonetheless small might he its dimensions, consists of three flats; the outer corridor, wherein the bathing-dress is organized; the cooling- room, a well-cushioned and comfy house, reasonably heated, and supposed for the non permanent reception of the bathers earlier than they enterprise to come across the pure free air of the outside condo; and the tub itself, the place the environment is so laden with sulphuric vapour, that, for some seconds, the breath is impeded, and the suffocating sensation which ensues is positively painful.

The Imperial Bathtub on the summer season palace of Beglier-Bey, is without doubt one of the most elegant and expensive within the metropolis or its environs: and as it could possibly solely be seen by the specific permission of thfc Sultan himself, is effectively worthy of description. Passing a crimson door, surmounted by a crescent-shaped cornice of wealthy gilding, the customer enters a small corridor, wherein stands a basin of tremendous white marble, occupied by two swans, wrought in the identical materials, and showing to sport within the limpid water; which, escaping from this charming fountain, falls by hid pipes into the basins destined to provide the bathers. The cooling-room, opening from this dim condo, (the place the sunshine solely penetrates after struggling by stars and crescents of painted glass, inlaid within the marble roof like clusters of jewels,) is hung with draperies of silk, richly embroidered; and the massive mirror which occupies the wall on the decrease finish of the divan, is about in a frame-work of gold and enamel, surmounted by the Ottoman arms, skilfully executed; whereas the divan itself, fashioned of gay-coloured satin, is wrought in silks till it resembles a flower-bed; and the cushions that are scattered over it are of the identical lovely and expensive description. The tub is an unlimited corridor, of probably the most elegant proportions, lined, and roofed, and paved with marble. It’s lighted just like the cooling-room, and surmounted by exquisitely-imagined fountains; and offers again an extended and subdued echo at each footfall which disturbs its deep and dreamy silence.

Institutions of the Pashas and Beys

This description will serve to convey an thought of the baths of the nice, and can give no exaggerated impression of their magnificence ; the institutions of the Pashas and Beys being all exactly related of their association, and solely various in splendour with the sources of their house owners. Right here the truthful Zibas and Heymines of the totally different palaces cross complete hours, folded in lengthy scarfs of muslin, labored and fringed with gold, their darkish hair streaming over their ivory shoulders; inhaling the sulphuric environment, and having fun with the luxurious languor which it creates; sipping sherbets product of probably the most delicate conserves, or the best fruits; and, not unfrequently, having fun with a slumber which is nowhere deeper than amid the dense vapours of the bath-room.

Sultan Selim


Unlucky Sultan Selim

At Evoub, on the very verge of the water, stands one of many summer season palaces constructed by the unlucky Sultan Selim, and overlooking the stunning glen via which the Barbvses flows calmlv onward, to lose itself within the harbour. It’s now the property of the Sultana Asme, the elder sister of the current Sultan.

“ The decorations all through are heavy, however of the best richness, and completely oriental of their character. “W hat was previously the reception-room of the ill-fated sovereign is solely lined with gilding; the partitions being niched and overhung with stalactited cornices much like these which enhance lots of our previous cathedral tombs ; and the load of this elaborate decoration is relieved by a ceiling of faint blue, sprinkled with silver stars.”

The outside of the constructing is within the Moorish style, with a convoluted and projecting roof; and the fagade is of appreciable extent.

Nice Fez manufactory

Close to this palace stands the nice Fez manufactory, the place all of the caps for the courtroom and the military at the moment are made. It’s a fashionable constructing, erected on the positioning of one of many dilapidated kiosques of the Sultan, and is an important and decorative characteristic within the panorama.

There may be an anecdote linked with this institution, which is sufficiently attribute and amusing to advantage transcription ; and it might be inserted right here for the advantage of the numerous, to whom will probably be solely novel. “ The manufactory was instructed and based by Omer Lufti Effendi, in consequence of the extraordinarily excessive worth paid by the Sultan to the Tunisians, with whom this material originated, for the head-dress of his troops. Having induced a celebration of Arabian workmen from Tunis to accompany him to Constantinople, he established them within the previous palace, which has since been changed by the current noble constructing ; and below their path the knitting and shaping of the caps acquired some extent of perfection.

However the dye was a secret past their artwork; and the Turkish authorities, anxious to second the views of the energetic Oiner Effendi, made a second importation of Tunisians with no higher success, though they have been chosen from among the many most effective workmen of their nation. The caps, whereas they have been equal each in type and texture to these of Tunis, have been dingy and ill-coloured; and the Arabs declared that the failure of the dye was owing to the water in and about Constantinople, which was unfavourable to the medication employed.

Wrapped spherical


Wrapped spherical the top and chin

The wimple was wrapped spherical the top and chin, and women of wealth certain it on the brow by a golden or jewelled fillet, whereas their poorer sisters used plain silk. Silken wimples have been forbidden to the nuns, who have been then as now dedicated to white linen. It isn’t unlikely that the wimple originated with the style of carrying the cover chief in regards to the neck, and it was in direction of the tip of the twelfth century that the coverchief underwent transformation, rising smaller and being tied below the chin like a contemporary cap or bonnet.

Boots and sneakers shaped an essential portion of costume within the twelfth century, and right here once more the interfering cleric performed his favorite function of denunciator. The monks, who have been denied their put on, abused with vigour the peak-toed boots and sneakers, which certainly reached a degree exquisitely ridiculous when a courtier might select to stuff the factors of his sneakers with tow, in order that they may curl up like ram’s horns. Dispassionately, I recognise as a lot wit as knowledge within the notion.

Girls wore quick boots in addition to sneakers, however the clothes have been so lengthy that solely the information of the toes may very well be seen, and so they have been content material to embroider these in gold with fanciful or round units.

Gloves, jewelled on the again, have been chosen by the richer lessons, and coarsely-made heat gloves with out fingers obtained a gentle patronage from the poor. However girls wore gloves very hardly ever ; they weren’t amongst the trifles which attracted’ female consideration, although there was a lot common love for selection, and an enormous sum of money, care, and thought was bestowed on private adornment.

Century many lovely materials

Within the early a part of the thirteenth century many lovely materials put in an look. Velvet, and silk interwoven with gold, and fabric with many colors have been trendy, whereas it grew to become a very talked-about observe to decoration hems of clothes by slicing them into indented tabs or leaves, a trend to which I’ve referred beforehand as “ dagged,” the modern expression. How fairly the dagged costume could also be is well realised by glancing on the image on web page 16, which reveals it totally made in fabric, topped by a white linen turban with a band of linen below the chin.

The turban adorned many a good and darkish head, the Spanish girls carrying it completely, drawing their inspiration for this, and for his or her trailing robes and funnel-shaped sleeves, from the Arab fashions.