Mutual Financial Help


From this rostrum we ship militant greetings to the peoples which have linked their destinies with the Warsaw Treaty and the Council for Mutual Financial Help and guarantee them that the Individuals’s Republic of Bulgaria will proceed indefatigably to develop and broaden its all-round cooperation and closeness with them, will make its contribution to strengthening the may of our fraternal neighborhood.

We’re proud, we’re comfortable that our most loyal ally and buddy is the nice Soviet Union. Our love for the nation and the Get together of Lenin is already an inalienable characteristic of our nationwide character, of our socialist mentality. And we’re glad that the sentiments of the hundreds of thousands of Soviet and Bulgarian working individuals for one another are mutual. It’s due to this that the fraternal cooperation and ever larger closeness between our events, peoples and nations are being constantly enriched, deepened and elevated to an ever larger top. We share the identical beliefs and objectives, and we observe the identical highway!

Permit me, on this solemn day, to specific as soon as once more our boundless love and gratitude to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to the peoples of the Soviet Union, to their wonderful Leninist Communist Get together.


A pointy aggravation of the worldwide scenario

The 12 months 1981 has been a troubled 12 months. The course to a pointy aggravation of the worldwide scenario, to stepping up the arms race, to confrontation and conflicts steered by the imperialist and reactionary circles, has made progressive mankind shudder at the specter of a doable nuclear annihilation.

Peace is in peril, peace have to be saved!

The Twelfth Congress re-affirmed the principled and constant international coverage of the Individuals’s Republic of Bulgaria. We stand for peace and peaceable coexistence, for creating mutually useful political, financial, cultural, scientific and technical cooperation amongst states, for familiarization and friendship amongst peoples.

Bulgaria has achieved and can do its finest to strengthen detente and peace, to implement the Peace Programme for the ’80s adopted by the 26th Congress of the CPSU, to make sure the success of the peace initiatives of the socialist nations, of the revolutionary and democratic forces on the earth.

The Individuals’s Republic of Bulgaria has achieved and can do every little thing doable to develop its relations with the Balkan nations, to strengthen peace and good neighbourliness.

The Balkans are inhabited by peoples who’ve for hundreds of years maintained vigorous contacts, drawing on widespread cultural sources and favourably influencing one another.

Inventory Church


The peasants convey reside inventory to church

Generally the peasants convey reside inventory to church. One morning, on per week day, I went into San Simeone, to which Queen Elizabeth of Hungary gave the excellent space of silver gilt which incorporates, it’s stated, the stays of the saint. I discovered there plenty of peasants, women and men, all in attribute costumes. Solely peasants have been there. Some have been quietly sitting, some kneeling, some standing, with their market-baskets set down on the pavement beside them. In a hidden place behind the excessive altar, above which is raised the good, carved sarcophagus, clergymen have been droning the workplace. A peasant in pink, with a gesture, invited me to take a seat beside him. I did so, and he whispered in my ear some phrases I couldn’t perceive; however I gathered that one thing essential was about to happen. Each face was expectant. All eyes have been earnestly fastened upon the sarcophagus. A lady got here in, carrying in her arms a turkey, which seemed anxious-minded, crossed herself, and waited with us, gazing. The droning voices ceased. A form of carilIon sounded brightly. All of us knelt, the lady with the turkey, too, as a priest in scarlet and white mounted the steps which divide the altar from the world. There was a second of deep silence. Then the good, glittering, and sloping lid, with its recumbent determine of the saint, slowly rose between the bronze supporting figures. My peasant buddy touched me, stood up, and led the way in which towards the altar. I adopted him with therest of the congregation, and we filed slowly up the steps, and one after the other gazed down into the dim coffin. There I noticed a cranium, and the obscure brown stays of what had as soon as been a human being, mendacity within the midst of votive choices. On the fingers of 1 hand, which seemed as if made from tobacco leaf, have been clusters of rings. The fats, bronze faces on all sides appeared smiling. However the peasants stood in awe. And presently the good lid sank down. All made the signal of the cross. The market-baskets have been picked up, and the turkey was restored to the daylight.

Near San Simeone

Near San Simeone are the cinque pozzi—5 fountains in a row, with iron wheels above them. They’re between 4 and 5 hundred years previous, and lie nearly on the foot of the Venetian tower, close to a Corinthian column and the fragments of a Roman arch. Simply behind them some steps lead as much as one of many scrumptious shady locations of Zara. Mount them, and you’ll have a contented shock such because the little Dalmatian cities are at all times prepared to provide you.



Depart the duomo

While you depart the duomo, wander by way of the Venetian streets of this excellent little island metropolis, the place Gothic home windows and superbly carved bal-conies look out to, lean forth to, the calm, blue waters, edged by the purple and the gold of the vines. For this place is exclusive and has an distinctive attraction. Peace dwells right here, and wonder has discovered a quiet abiding- place, the place it lingers, and can linger, I hope, for a lot of centuries but, girdled by olive-groves, by vineyards, by sun-kissed waters, guarded by the lions of Venice.

From Spalato I visited the white ruins of Salona, the place the Emperor Diocletian was born, and close to which, in his palace at Spalato, he spent the final eight years of his life, cultivating* his backyard, in search of after philosophy, and, allow us to hope, repenting of his bitter persecution of the Christians. From the hill, on the location of the Basilica Urbana, I noticed a type of frigid and nearly horrible lemon sunsets which include the wind of the lifeless. I stayed until night time regardless of the extraordinary chilly, until the fragments of town, scattered far over the sloping floor above the riviera of the Sette Castelli, and creeping as much as the solitary dwelling-house constructed by Professor Bulic of outdated Roman stones, took on unhappy and unnatural pallors within the darkness, until lonely columns stood up like watching specters, and fragments of wall have been like specters crouching. For a protracted whereas the lemon hue endured within the western sky, and the voice of the wind rose with the night time, crying among the many burial- locations.

Step ashore at Gravosa

Just a few hours’ voyage on a splendid ship, and also you step ashore at Gravosa, the port for Ragusa, the most well-liked place in Dalmatia, and in some ways probably the most enticing. For it’s embowered in woods and gardens; accommodates exceptional outdated buildings; is girdled about by super fortress partitions, and by forts perched on bastions of rock overlooking the ocean and the isle of Lacroma, the place Richard Coeur de Lion touched land and based a monastery; is totally and deliciously medieval, but filled with Slav and Austrian life; possesses a railway-station, many well-built villas, and an excellent lodge, and is surrounded by pleasant nation. Maybe in all Dalmatia Ragusa is the most effective heart from which to take lengthy walks and make expeditions. It’s cheery, cozy, and great on the identical time. The terrific partitions of the fortresses don’t appal or overwhelm, for all about them cluster the gardens. Ivy climbs over the archways. In what was as soon as a moat the grass grows thickly, the flowers bloom, and lots of timber give shade. This can be a medieval paradise, and its inhabitants have cause to rejoice in it and to say there isn’t a place prefer it.

Charitable Deeds


Many charitable deeds

He then started to consider the numerous charitable deeds of his father. He additionally remembered the black dwarf. “ To him will I make my final attraction,” paid misinform himself; “ he helped my father and be will certainly not refuse to help me.” He sprang off his mattress and ran to the little Synagogue in the home. He had not been there for such a very long timeall of it appeared so unusual. He started to hope for assist, and promised to behave higher sooner or later if his prayer have been answered. Within the stillness of the holy place he appeared to listen to his mom’s voice whispering in his scorching ears : “ Work, work.” “ Ah 1 ” cried he, ” am I to work and assist myself ? What’s the usage of praying ? ” He then felt a key being pressed into his dosed hand. He took it and left the Synagogue. He thought that the important thing may match a room the place, unknown to him, a portion of his father’s wealth could be saved. He tried to suit the important thing within the numerous locks within the completely different rooms, however it didn’t match any lock. Eventually he discovered a door on the finish of a passage. He tried the hamlle and located it locked. He then put the important thing. which he held in his hand, within the. lock, and it fitted precisely.

Gazed round in search of the piles of gold

He unlocked the door and entered a big room. At one finish there was a cupboard. His eyes gazed round in search of the piles of gold, however all in useless. On the wall going through the door he noticed one thing gleaming, however when he got here nearer he recognised the dwarf’s face with the lengthy black beard. He shortly turned spherical to escaoe the piercing look of bis penetrating eyes, finish he heard shrill laughter coming from the cupboard. He went nearer, and noticed in it the black beard of the dwarf which he had pulled off when he was a bit of boy. He put his fingers in his ears to deaden the mocking laughter. He turned spherical once more and noticed on the wall reverse a fiery inscription which learn : “ Reap the reward of folly.” The letters nearly burnt his eyes.

“ Away ! Away ! ” he cried in terror, and he ran to the doorway. He discovered the door closed and locked.

Imperial arsenal


The Imperial arsenal

Past this mosque, the out-buildings of the Imperial arsenal, the dry-dock for the development of transport, the galleys, (that are below the quick management and authority of the Excessive Admiral,) the powder magazines, and the ruined palace of a former Capndan Pasha, occupy the shore as excessive because the suburb of Kassim Pasha, the place stands the Marine Barrack, an enormous pile, mainly exceptional for the wretched style of its tawdry fresco-painting, and its air of chilling desolation; and close to to it the brand new Tershana, or Admiralty, a shiny, many- colored, highly-ornamented edifice, within the Russian style; occupying tile facet of a small crock, and overlooking a wood pier. A wet-dock, handsomely enclosed inside stable and well-made partitions, and entered by a noble pair of iron gates, beneath Kassim Pasha, is succeeded by a top lined with cypresses, which leans downward to the water, the place it terminates in a steep ilight of steps, partly synthetic and partly hewn within the rock, and designated the Meiliskeui, or Ladder of the Useless. This gloomy forest is the “Little Cemetery,” or lesser burial- floor of Pera, the faubourg inhabited by the Franks ; and the jetty on the foot of the stair which has simply been described, is principally used for the embarkation of the our bodies of deceased Turks, whom their pals are conveying for burial to the Asian necropolis of Scutari.

Instantly past this jetty, a (loating-bridge, stretching from the pier of Galata (the quarter of the Frank retailers, dominated by the hill on which Pera is constructed,) to the “ Gate of the Backyard,” close to the Kiosquc of Pearls, and instantly below the partitions of the Seraglio, shuts within the harbour; whereas the road of shore within the distance, fringed with the homes and public buildings of Topp-hanne, gently recedes, till it disappears below the stately shadow of Bulgurlhu.


Right here Magnificence on her ’broidered cushion lies With languid forehead, am I dreaming do eyes.

A rose o with rain : beside the honest A kneeling slave binds up the shiny hair;

Pours perfumed water o’er the drooping face,

And lends to loveliness one other grace.

There may be, maybe, no luxurious all through the luxurious East extra good, or extra full, than the Baths. These of the good and the rich in Constantinople embody the concept of a scene within the “ Thousand and One Nights” —they’re so shiny and fairy-like of their magnificence—so mild and homosexual with painted glass, white marble, brocade, and embroidery.

higher reticence


Marked by a higher reticence

In the course of the latter half of the twelfth century a change for the higher came visiting the spirit of gown, which was now marked by a higher reticence. The extravagant cuff disappeared, and sleeves had been worn tight and mounted on the wrist. An effigy of Queen Berengaria, within the Abbey of l Espan, exhibits the queen with flowing locks partly lined by a kerchief, surmounted , by a gold crown ; her gown is held V” collectively on the neck by a big round brooch set with valuable stones, her mantle hanging virtually to her toes behind, zero whereas a small aumoniere is pendent from a good looking girdle. For simply a lot element and no extra would I pin my religion to a monumental sculptor as a trend historian. Inexperienced was the favorite color of the gown A BROOCH. jn the reign of John, and there’s a king’s warrant for 2 inexperienced robes for the queen, every to include two ells of fabric, whereas there exists a register exhibiting inexperienced gown lined with contala price sixty shillings ; so frequent, the truth is, was the carrying of the inexperienced that Longchamp, the conceited Bishop of Ely, when he was compelled to fly the dominion to flee John’s rage, disguised him-self in a lady’s inexperienced tunic and Norman mantle and hood of the identical color.

It was the harvest-time for the embroiderers, or not less than it should have been, however it’s not on document that their providers had been rewarded with any magnificent generosity. Embroidery was rampant:      all state clothes had been traced with gold, and vivid colors would adorn robes and mantles alike, a favorite design being a collection of circles.

The pelisse now got here into existence ; in type it was a close-fitting gown, a prototype of the garment which bears the identical title to-day. Fur was a modish trimming, and 9 bars of fur are

talked about as a trimming of some particular gray pelisse which King John bestowed upon Isabella of An- gouleme. Clearly the sealskin paletot and the sable cape weren’t amongst the probabilities of that hour, or His Majesty wouldn’t have been let off so cheaply.

The enthusiastic chronicler of trend

However to the enthusiastic chronicler of trend there was one reality of King John’s reign which was pre-eminently worthy and admirable. This was the introduction of the wimple, of all attributes to female magnificence certainly essentially the most turning into ever conceived or accomplished ! It was made both in silk or linen, a protecting for the neck, chin, and brow directly disguiseful and provocative, coquettish and demure. At instances the wimple was little greater than an elaborated veil or kerchief, however in its most alluring type it was a separate article worn below the veil, as in a nun’s gown of to-day, which, the truth is, in all however color, bears a hanging resemblance to the thirteenth – century gown. Certainly Chaucer distinguishes the 2 when he says—

Wering a vaile insted of wimple,

As nonnes don in ther abbey.

Communist Party


Our heroic Communist Social gathering

Allow us to pay our heartfelt tribute to our heroic Communist Social gathering – the inspirer, organizer and chief of Bulgaria pursuing its April 1956 course!


The enduring grandeur of the reason for our ancestors lies in the truth that the Bulgarian State – in distinction to the states current on the time on our continent – was constructed on the precept of nationality, as a state of 1 folks – the Bulgarian folks. It arose on the premise of three important ethnic parts – the Proto- Bulgarians, Slavs and Thracians – which shaped one nationality, the Bulgarian. It was the primary Slav state, which heralded the political and religious awakening of the Slav world of many hundreds of thousands, helped it to hitch the civilization of the occasions and gave it an irresistible impetus in direction of the forefront of that civilization, civilization.

Glory be to the good prime builders, beneath whose management the Bulgarian folks created their centralized state – the khans Asparouh, Kroum and Omourtag, knyaz Boris I, the tsars Simeon, Samouil, Assen and Peter, Kaloyan and Ivan-Assen II!

The Bulgarian land was way back the centre of cultures nice for his or her occasions, which had an affect on ours and which our historic folks creatively infused into its personal tradition.

However there’s one trigger in our previous which is especially necessary in explaining our nationwide resilience and indestructibility – the reason for these brothers of genius, Cyril and Methodius, and their disciples.

Bulgaria is the homeland of the Slavonic alphabet, of the Slavonic script and tradition. Literary faculties, busy centres of extensive instructional and instructive exercise, made their look. With their work Cyril and Methodius opened up boundless horizons for the cultural growth of our folks, offered us with a strong weapon for nationwide selfawareness and nationwide self- preservation. Our personal written phrase should have been a horrible religious weapon, certainly, to make overseas conquerors not solely exterminate our ancestors, but in addition burn our books!

Brothers Cyril and Methodius

Glory be to the brothers Cyril and Methodius who within the darkness of the early Center Ages gave our folks and the entire of Slavdom the inextinguishable torch of schooling and progress!

Cyril and Methodius and their disciples are the fountainhead of the sound humanistic, democratic and revolutionary traditions of Bulgarian tradition, which has by no means seen a better or extra noble purpose than that of serving its folks, its schooling and battle, its nationwide, political and religious elevation. This custom passes by way of every thing written by Chernorizets Hrabr and Patriarch Evtimi, by Paissi and Sofroni of Vratsa, by Georgi Rakovski and Petko Slaveikov, by Botev and Karavelov, by Zahari Stoyanov, Ivan Vazov and Elin Pelin, by Hristo Smyrnenski and Nikola Vaptsarov.

Socialist Bulgaria


Today we can declare proudly: the people of socialist Bulgaria has proved worthy of its glorious past, both distant and more recent.

Glory be to the enthusiastic builders of the first five-year plan periods, who preached socialism, persuaded and carried others away with them, who ploughed the boundaries between the old fields, erected plants and dams, poured in the sound foundations of our young republic!
Glory be to those who are building the developed socialist society in Bulgaria with their inspired labour!

Allow me on behalf of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, of the state organs and the public and political organizations which adopted the jubilee address to our people to express our most sincere gratitude to the Bulgarian industrial and agricultural workers, our intelligentsia, to the Bulgarian women, the young people, the armed defenders of the Homeland, to all those who turned the year 1981 into a year of political and labour upsurge and won fresh successes in the implementation of the decisions of the Twelfth Congress!

The 13-century jubilee of the Bulgarian state has had wide repercussions all over the world. Jubilee committees were set up in scores of countries, large-scale political and cultural initiatives and manifestations showed the ancient and modern image of our people, its contribution to European civilization.

Allow me on behalf of the State Council and the government of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, on behalf of the Bulgarian people to express our heartfelt gratitude to the peoples, governments, public organizations, institutes and individuals who honoured our country in this year of our jubilee!

The Bulgarian state is meeting the 1300th anniversary

The Bulgarian state is meeting the 1300th anniversary of its foundation with a stable international status, with loyal allies and friends, and with a universally acknowledged and steadily growing prestige throughout the world.

Today the People’s Republic of Bulgaria maintains intensive diplomatic, economic and cultural relations with almost all states on our planet, takes an active part in the most prestigious international organizations and forums, itself being the initiator and host of major international undertakings and events.

It is of crucial importance for the People’s Republic of Bulgaria that it belongs to the family of socialist countries. We know that only as a strong and inseparable unit of the socialist community will our state and our people succesfully defend their independence and territorial integrity, will multiply their socialist achievements.