Bulgaria World War II


Bulgaria’s Complex Alliances and Shifting Fortunes

Diplomatic Maneuvers (1940)

In 1940, the foreign ministers of Russia and Germany, Molotov and von Ribbentrop, met in Berlin. Molotov sought German assistance in establishing Soviet influence in Bulgaria, but Germany declined, preparing for war against the Soviet Union. Germany then urged smaller countries to join the Tripartite Pact (Germany, Italy, and Japan), requiring them to make their territory available to the German Army. Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia complied. Bulgaria aimed to stay neutral, but with German troops entering Romania and Turkey aligning with England, Bulgaria faced threats from both sides. A Turkish-Bulgarian declaration of friendship was negotiated, and on March 1, 1941, Bulgaria reluctantly joined the Tripartite Pact.

German Collaboration and Territorial Gains (1941)

Bulgaria cooperated passively with Germany in actions against Greece and Yugoslavia, leading to the return of Macedonian territory taken by Yugoslavia and Greece. While Bulgaria did not contribute troops to the German war against Russia, its territory served as a base for German operations Daily Tours Istanbul.

Turning Tides and Negotiations (1943)

The devastating German defeat at Stalingrad in January 1943 prompted the Soviet army to take the offensive. One direction of the offensive aimed toward the Balkans, with the goal of entering Bulgaria and reaching the Balkan Straits. King Boris began negotiating with his father-in-law, King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, for an exit from the war. Hitler summoned King Boris to Germany, where he fell ill and died shortly after his return to Bulgaria.

Puppet Government and Allies’ Warning (1943)

Following King Boris’s death, a puppet German government under Dobri Bozhilov and Regent Filov was installed in Bulgaria. Earlier that year, the Allies had tried to secretly negotiate with Bulgaria to break ties with the Germans. Bulgaria claimed neutrality, arguing that since no Bulgarian troops were fighting, they were not aligned with Germany. The United States warned Bulgaria of potential air strikes against major cities if they did not openly sever ties with the Germans.

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