Embracing Nature’s Challenges Rain or Shine


A Walk in the Rain

Would you walk on muddy mountain paths even if rain-loaded dark clouds hovered above, and a sharp wind rushed through you, releasing cold raindrops into your clothes? For the members of GOLDOSK, a nature sports and hobby club, the answer is a resounding yes. Last Sunday, despite the challenging weather, a group of nature enthusiasts gathered to walk through the mountains and brooks with smiles on their faces.

Soaked to the Skin, Yet Smiling

Sticky mud shackles their progress, and the vision is obscured by the downpour. Soaked to the skin and chilled to the marrow, the group, comprising kids, men, women, and seniors, moves under dark clouds, through rain and a sharp wind. They walk towards Barla, undeterred by the elements, sharing the love of nature in all seasons. The mountains they pass give way, sometimes leading the way.

Finding Beauty in the Chaos

Raindrops gather on the ground, forming tiny murky brooks, creating a symphony of plashing sounds. Yellow and white crocuses smile at them amidst the challenging conditions. Despite the mud, cold, and rain, the group looks at each other and smiles, finding beauty in the chaos. They are not deterred by the mess; instead, they consider the suffering towards the moment of purification from stress and inner dirt Guided Tours Turkey.

Sacred Moments of Learning

“Why endure this misery when you could rest in your cozy houses?” some might ask. Yet, for GOLDOSK, the suffering is sacred, leading to moments of learning and purification. Hakan Ayan, one of GOLDOSK’s founders, explains, “We met with nature, made peace with it. People started their weeks free of trouble or stress.” The experience of being in nature together breaks down invisible walls, bringing people together in ways they wouldn’t have expected.

From Two Friends to an Association

GOLDOSK’s journey began with two friends discussing how to enjoy their weekends. Small walking activities grew, and from five members, they became ten, then a hundred. Today, GOLDOSK is a thriving association where people from all walks of life come together. Besides nature trips, the organization has formed groups focused on music, skiing, painting, and photography, embracing diverse interests within the community.

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