General Manners


Defrayed Tauris by fire and J-word. Relapsis

into debauchery. Dreadful cruelty towards his subjects. Murdered his brother. Marched agains Perf a, and ressiablehed good disipline. Obliged Venice to pay 20,000 Jechins, to avoid a war. Relapsed into his former debaucheries, and died in Constance of them. His char after, Ibrahim. Cave himself up to pie afire. The vizier, Ivo governed, attacked jalopy. He made peace visitb Germany, and broke it soon after. The divan rested to take Candia. The fantan took the muftis daughter by force, Depofed and tangled. Mahomed IV. His minority occasioned great discarders. The seraglio plundered. Order rest or ed by Kuiperoid.

Of Arts and Sciences, Commerce, and general Manners.

The insistence of tkeir religion on the progress of the arts and fierce s. Difference in this ref peel with the Arabs. Agronomy, Geography. Ahacu: lljloiy. Poetry and general literature, of the Turkish language. Printing. Architecture sat chary and painting. Hydraulics. Imbalances of ignorance

Mechanic arts. Navigation. Founder of cannon. Surgery, hi faces of fill in surgery, in Rubicon of boats, tinning copper vessels making locks. The Greeks have preserved the ancient manner of painting visit wax, and burning in the colors. Foils for diamonds. A glue for metals. Method of dying cotton vomit madder. Making cairn malleable. use mechanics make of their toes. Method of building cupolas. Earth walls remarkably durable. Filtering water by affection. Aorta, or four milk, angular qualities. Coffee. Leaf made of peas. Commerce, interior and foreign.

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