The Turks were sufficiently bold to be the first to commence


Without delay, Kara George set out to relieve Losnitza, taking with him all the troops that could be spared in those parts of the country ; the people of Kragujcwaz, Smedcrewo, Grozka, and Belgrade, and some Cossacks. Luka Lasarewitsch also came from Schabaz, and Jacob Xenadowitsch from Wal  jewo. In the night of the 5th of October they all assembled within half an hour’s march of the Bosnian camp, and at once threw up an intrenchment.

The Turks were sufficiently bold to be the first to commence the fight in the morning; but they were speedily driven from their positions before the town into their larger fortifications on the Drina. On the same evening, the Servians fortified their position close to the enemy ; and the next clay a decisive battle was fought. They first attacked eacli other with cannon and musketry; afterwards they fought hand to hand. “Thus,” says Kara George, “we closed, and intermingled with one another; for two hours we fought with our sabres. “We have killed many Turks, and cut off many Turkish heads. Three times as many of their troops have fallen as of ours: a fiercer battle was never fought: the field remained in our possession.”

The Turks indeed had suffered so severely, that they despaired of being able to effect any thing further that year, and returned over the Drina. Kara George had also crossed the river, and hastened after them. On the day following, however, deputies were despatched by the Pacha, proposing that the Drina should not be passed by either party; which was mutually agreed.

“When the Servians now looked around, they congratulated themselves on having made a successful campaign. O’Rourke, when marching: to join them, had taken llania, which, since the preceding year, had been in the hands of the Turks. On his way back lie captured Gnrgusscwaz ; and Kladowo had surrendered. All these places the Russians gave over to Servian garrisons.

It is true that the bold schemes which had been proposed at first   the conquest of Bosnia, and the re establishment, in conjunction with the Montenegrins, of the old Servian nationality   were far from being accomplished. Servia had herself been in the greatest danger. For two successive years she had been obliged to fight for her existence; but was now, in consequence, far stronger than before.

She was not amiin limited to the Pachalio of Pelgrade ; on the contrary, she had acquired districts from all the Pachalics and Sandschaks around her: from AViddin, the Kraina, Kliutsch, and Zrnarcfa; from Niscli, the towns and territory of Alexinaz and Bania; from Leskowaz, Parakyn and T\rnschewaz ; from Xowipasar   the long celebrated cloister of Studenitza, from which a Xahia was once more named; from Swornik, in Bosnia   at least the districts on this side of the Drina, Jadar, and Kadjewina. A country by no means unimportant, fertile, and improvable by culture, had thus been wrested from the dominion of Islamism, and restored to the natives of the soil.

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