Already had they been subjected to the greatest misery


The offices of Subasches and Tschitluksahibis were abolished : the Pacha promised that only once a year should the land-owner come into the country to collect his revenues ; and that no other Turk should enter it, even in the event of a war with Servia, but should proceed by another route. Hostages were given on botli sides. The inhabitants agreed to pay Poresa and Harudsch; in consideration of which the Pacha allowed them to judge and govern themselves in the greatest as well as in the least concerns. Such was the order of things established in Jadar and Radjewina.

To some it might appear that the Servians in the Pachalic of Belgrade should have been satisfied with similar arrangements.

They did not think so; and no one can be surprised at this.

In a very different manner from the people of Jadar and Radjewina, and with far greater danger and difficulty, had the Servians of Belgrade carried through their insurrection. And much more resulted from it. Already had they been subjected to the greatest misery, through the vacillation of the supreme authority in suffering the return of the Janissaries whom they had expelled. Who, therefore, could give them assurance that the fiction by which they were opposed should not, a second time, obtain the upper hand, through the continued want of resolution in the Grand Signior, and thus deprive them of all the advantages they had won ?

Certainly no one can blame them for seeking a better security for the future.

It was now that a plan occurred to them which proved to be of the greatest importance, not only in itself, but from the manner in which it was executed. This was to solicit the intervention of a Christian power in their favour.

For some time they were unable to decide whether that power should be Austria or Russia.

Many of their kindred tribes dwelt under Austrian influence. Austria had, in former times, always been the moving cause of the Servian insurrections: had once already ruled these lands; and it was to Austria that, in the last war, the Servians were indebted for_tlieir skill in warfare.

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