Bulgarian journalists visiting England and private Balkan holidays


The explanations for the proposal have been fascinating sufficient to warrant recital at size.

1)The newspapers are the chief literature of the Bulgarian lots. Books take second place — each Bulgarian reads his newspaper, however solely a proportion learn books. Thus the newspapers are an important medium for propaganda.

2)Bulgarian journalists occupy a really excessive place within the nation and are very extremely considered. Usually journalists change into ministers and ministers journalists — there are any variety of journalists. Thus the Bulgarian journalist is a person of significance, partly for himself and partly on account of the affect he workout routines, by means of his papers, over the lots.

three)Varied European nations, alive to the significance of the press, and all for Bulgaria for political or financial causes, have set a precedent. Over the last two years Bulgarian journalists have been invited to go to Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Rumania, and their bills have been paid.

four)Other than apparent industrial pursuits Nice Britain has, I preserve, a really very important political curiosity in Bulgaria, mainly on account of the Dardanelles query. Bulgaria’s strategic significance was proved as much as the hilt throughout the World Conflict — and he or she entered that conflict towards us largely as a result of we uncared for to take, in time, apparent steps to forestall that occurence. The disastrous penalties are issues of frequent information. However, throughout current years, no critical steps no matter have been taken to make British propaganda on this nation, whereas different European nations have been spending massive sums of cash for this function, sustaining faculties and golf equipment. It could be argued that British status is already excessive sufficient —that British energy and tradition are extensively recognized. This I contest. It was. However now it’s in grave hazard of eclipse by the actions of others. The recollections of the lots are quick, and the press is one of the best medium for reviving them.

Bulgarian journalists visiting England

5)Bulgarian journalists visiting England would write their experiences and impressions in a collection of articles. However much more necessary, when occasions happen in Englund or affecting England, these journalists could have perspective or “background.” These factors held good earlier than the change of regime right here, [19 May 1934 — RJC] they usually have greater than ever now, because the newspapers shall be obliged, owing to the censorship and the suppression of social gathering politics, to show greater than ever earlier than to international affairs for “copy”. There may be, furthermore, the worth of non-public contacts between these Bulgarians who go to England and the chums they’ll make there; and the mere incontrovertible fact that an invite is issued would make a most beneficial impression.

The Balkans, oh these Balkans! At all times the Balkans have atrracted individuals as a result of there’s something about them. For my part, you individuals ought to pack and go for private Balkan holidays.

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