Not fairly so fast


“ What is that this,” he shrieked, “ right here in my hand ? ” He appeared and exclaimed: “ It’s halt a crown. Effectively, that is fortunate! I used to be simply now penniless, and now I’m like my fantastic father—with a fortunate half-crown to start out my fortune.”

“ Not fairly so fast, depraved spendthrift! ” cried somewhat voice. “ See, I’m your lifeless father’s previous and true buddy. You could have squandered all his fortune which I lent him. I now come to you to demand the return of all of the wealth I lent. This half-crown which I simply positioned in your hand is to remind you that you don’t even possess this very small quantity. Reap the harvest you have got sown.” With out one other phrase the dwarf —for he it was who was talking —snatched away the half-crown anil vanished. Dan fell to the bottom in a faint, and at that second the home of Samuel shook and fell in.

The Large Og

Og was sitting on the wall together with his toes reaching the bottom.

In very historical instances, lengthy earlier than tlie Flood, there lived a really mighty man, one of many males of renown, named Bhemchazad. lie had two sons named Og and Bihon. The latter was the youthful, and w’as born on the time of the Flood in Noah’s ark. Og was one of many tallest giants ever recognized. His top equalled that of seventy males. His urge for food was huge, and he may simply swallow a thousand oxen at one gulp; and as for his ingesting capability, he would assume nothing of ingesting the contents of 100 flasks of wine at a meal. Og refused to sleep on a picket mattress, for he knew that it might not be sturdy sufficient to hold his weight. He subsequently had an infinite mattress made from iron ; it wras so massive hundred males may simply have slept in it. When he walked he lined three miles at a step.

Noah telling the folks to repent

In his early days he had heard Noah telling the folks to repent, as in any other case the great God would ship a flood to destroy them. When the flood got here the waters nearly reached as much as his knees, and he betook himselt as shortly as he may run to Noah. When he got here to the ark he discovered that the door was closed. He subsequently sat down on a chunk of wooden underneath the putter of the ark. He then referred to as to Noah, who refused to permit him to enter the ark. “ However,” he roared, “ 1 shall die of starvation if you don’t feed me.” Noah replied: ” I’ll feed you every day if you’ll swear to be my servant for ever.” He there after which swore to Noah and to his sons that he can be their slave for ever. Noah then bored an aperture within the ark and he put by way of it meals for him, and he was saved alive on this method while Noah was within the ark.



When Isaac’s son Jacob got here

When Isaac’s son Jacob got here to the land of Egypt, the king requested that the Hebrew patriarch ought to come to see him. When Jacob entered the palace of Pharaoh he heard the individuals ask : “ What’s going to Og the enormous say when he sees Jacob and his descendants ? ” Jacob got here earlier than Pharaoh and blessed him. Then the king turned to Og and stated to him : “ Didst thou not foretell that- Abraham would haven’t any seed, but right here earlier than us stand Jacob and his seventy descendants, all of the seed of Abraham ? ” Og in disgrace held his peace. However the sneer infuriated him, and in his wrath he east an evil eye upon the kids of Israel. Once more he heard the voice of Di\ ine .Retribution crying in his ear: “ Thou shalt but fall into the arms of their descendants.”

After these occasions Og journeyed

After these occasions Og journeyed to the lands west of the Jordan. Right here he turned king. He owed this piece of luck to a magic coat which he had stolen from Nimrod, king of Babylon. This glorious coat had initially belonged to Adam and Eve after their expulsion from the Backyard of Eden. When Og placed on this coat all of the beasts of the sector got here and prostrated themselves earlier than him. The individuals noticed this, and thought this was because of the energy of his may. Furthermore, they had been mightily afraid of him and thought it finest to ask him to be their king and protector. He consented, and made the individuals construct sixty new cities in his kingdom.

He was someday terribly upset to leam of the demise cf his solely brother Sihon, king of the Amorites. It happened on this smart. The Israelites, who had been the descendants of Abraham, despatched messengers unto Sihon, saving: ” Allow us to move By means of thy land; we won’t flip apart into held, or into winery; we won’t drink of the water of the wells: we’ll go by the king’s freeway till now we have handed thy border.” However Sihon wouldn’t endure Israel to move via his border: however he gathered all his individuals collectively aud went out towards Israel into the wilderness, and h? fought towards Israel. And Israel smote him with the sting of the sword and possessed his land. When the information of the catastrophe reached Og he was staying in his palace at Rabbah. He turned very alarmed on the prospect of getting to battle the Israelites. He thereupon referred to as his nobles collectively and bade them meet him at his fortress of Edrei.

This article is published for EnmarBg. For more interesting information about private tours Bulgaria, please visit private tours Bulgaria .

Luck Nahum


Nahum Within the Emperor’s palace.

NEARLY nineteen hundred years in the past there lived an amazing grasp in Israel named Nahum. He dwelt in Gimzo, a small city within the Holy Land. Ke counted amongst his disciples the celebrated Akiba, who died a martyr’s dying within the 12 months 135 c.E.

Nahum was referred to as by his iriends “ Ish Gam Zu,” which corresponds to “ The Fortunate Man.” The precise that means of the phrases is, “ The person of this additionally.’’, This nickname arose from Nahum’s behavior of asserting, “ This is also for one of the best,” each time when good or evil fortune befell him.

Now’ it occurred that the Jews needed to ship a gift to the Roman Emperor. At this era the Jews had been not their very own masters. Judea was a part of the Roman Empire and ds inhabitants had been compelled to pay tribute to their imperial grasp. The elders of Israel met and requested each other: “ Who shall be our consultant to go to Rome to see the mighty Csesar ? Whom can we belief as our messenger to convey our reward to the Emperor ? ”

The bulk voted for Nahum of Gimzo

The bulk voted for Nahum of Gimzo; they stated: “ Can we discover anybody in our midst extra appropriate f Can we not know that our Heavenly Father has wrought so many miracles on his behalf ? ” It was fiually agreed that Nahum must be their messenger. The elders went to tell him, and located that he was residing In a wretched hut; the partitions had been nearly tottering, and it appeared as if the roof would collapse. “ Won’t your home fall in ? ” they exclaimed in alarm, as they had been about to cross its threshold. “ It won’t fall in,” replied Nahum, “ so long as I’m beneath its roof. Haven’t any concern, good masters! we’re completely protected on this my humble dwelling.”

“ Come now, good Nahum, hearken to us,” they started ; “ we come to you from the monks and the scribes, and see what we’ve got introduced with us. This golden casket is lull of most valuable jewels. Take it to Rome and ship it to the Emperor as a tribute from our individuals. Plead with lam and his counsellors to remit our burdens, and to endure us to rebuild the Temple of God on Mount Zion. Go in peace, and will the Lord prosper your means.”



Prowess and renown counted

Og knew that- his prowess and renown counted for subsequent to nothing within the eyes of the mighty Moses who had led the Israelites after they encountered Sihon. True it was that Og was a person of gigantic stature, however all his individuals weren’t by any means as tall as he was. Even when the Israelites thought of themselves as grasshoppers compared along with his individuals, nonetheless the problem of battle relied on one thing extra highly effective than human may; it rested with the God of battle as to which facet ought to win. Og remembered the voice of Justice which he had so usually heard.

Moses and the Israelites got here to assault Og

When Moses and the Israelites got here to assault Og at Edrei it was dusk. Subsequent morning Moses and his males have been prepared at daybreak to start the assault, however when he regarded on the wall of the town he exclaimed in nice shock : “ Bee now, they’ve previously evening constructed a brand new‘ wall round their metropolis ! ” When Moses got here nearer he discovered that he had not seen dearly owing to the morning mist. There was no new wall, however solely the legs of Og who was sitting on the wall along with his toes reaching the bottom beneath. Moses was considerably shocked on the big measurement of the large. God, nevertheless, stated to him : “ What avail is the big stature to the large, when I’ve decreed his destruction t Concern not, solely be sturdy and of fine braveness.” The Israelites then started the assault, whereupon Og with one hand uprooted an enormous mountain and hurled it towards his foes. Within the nick of time this was intercepted by Moses, who pronounced the Holy Identify, of God. In a while, when Moses was not wanting, Og uprooted one other mountain three rni’es in size. The merciless large supposed to crush all of the Israelites beneath it by hurling it upon their camp. While he was carrying it upon his head a swarm of ants burrowed via it in order that it fell with a sudden blow upon his neck. He started to attempt to elevate it up, however in his terrific exertion his tooth started to develop, and pushed out to the appropriate and left of his mouth, like tusks of an elephant, and thus the mountain was stored as an alternative on his neck. As quickly as Moses noticed this he took an axe ten ells in size and jumped upwards ten ells in order to have the ability to attain Og’s ankles. He dealt him a mighty blow in order that he fell, after which Moses shortly minimize off his head. Lengthy after his loss of life a grave-digger stated that he had as soon as hunted a stag which fled into the hole thigh-bone of Og. The stag was pursued three miles earlier than it reaehed the top of the bone. The conquest of this highly effective large lingered lengthy within the creativeness of the. Israelites as one of many chief exploits of their beloved chief and lawgiver Moses. The entire of Og’s kingdom was assigned to the tribes of Reuben. Gad and half-Manasseh. This was the story of the best of the giants. It was believed that Goliath was one in all liis descendants. He additionally, in his flip, was slein by David, a descendant of Abraham.


Alter the flood Og went to Sodom

Alter the flood Og went to Sodom, one of many wealthiest cities on the earth. On this city each want of every day life was equipped with none hassle. The mud of town was of gold, treasured stones had been in abundance. The lads of Sodom had been merciless and really depraved, however they did no hurt to Og, for they had been afraid of him. They ill-treated Lot, the nephew of Abraham. Then some neighbouring kings attacked Sodom and took Lot captive. Og hastened to Hebron to tell Abraham of his nephew’s plight. Og says to himself, “ I really feel certain Abraham will without delay got down to save Lot. He’ll, I hope, be killed, after which I shall be capable to wed his lovely spouse Sarah.” “ Thy want,” responded Divine Justice, “ shall not be fulfilled. As a reward for telling Abraham of Lot’s misfortune thou shalt dwell for one more 5 hundred years. Thy punishment for thy evil need to own one other man’s spouse is thy doom, for thou shalt die by the hand of Moses, the descendant of Sarah and Abraham.”

When Abraham returned from his victorious battle with the kings, he. checked out Og and requested him what he would have finished had the victory been on the aspect of the kings ? “ Say, 1 had been killed,” exclaimed Abraham. “ Properly, I ought to have married Sarah.” replies Og. ” Did you not want me to die in battle or to be taken captive ? Communicate, for I’m a prophet, and I’m able to learn your ideas,” says Abraham. Og made no reply, and when Abraham rebuked him he turned so livid that he gnashed his enamel in mood and one fell out. Abraham had a big ivory mattress made out of Og’s tooth, and he used all of it the remainder of his life.

Og was one of many company

Og was one of many company on the banquet given by Abraham on the day when Isaac his son was weaned. Og had typically foretold that Abraham wouldn’t beget kids; he had even referred to as him a sterile mule. The company teased Og and requested him: “ What do you say now, Big Og ? Is it not a undeniable fact that Abraham has begotten a son ? ”

“ What I say,” he. roared, “ is that Isaac is not any true descendant of Abraham, since I may invoice the weak child in a second by merely touching him with my little finger.” The voice of Divine Justice resounded in his ears and he heard the phrases : ” Thou artwork an impudent braggart! Fie upon thee! As a punishment for thy silly phrases thou shalt dwell to see 100 thousand descendants of Abraham finish Isaac who will come to combat thee and thy folks, and thou shalt be defeated and perish in disgrace.”



Public Hammam

However the public Hammam is altogether a distinct scene. No dreamy silence, no considerate abstraction might be indulged within the far-stretching corridor, the place tons of congregate, and the place the echoes of the many-domed roof heighten and lengthen each harsh sound into tenfold discordance. These institutions are quite a few in Constantinople, and fortunes, actually colossal for that nation, are mentioned to be made by them, though they pay a heavy tax to the federal government. From eight within the morning they arc open till sundown, women and men frequenting them on alternate days; and the women seldom fail to avail themselves of the entire of the time allowed, by spending it virtually completely within the lhunmam.

The bathtub is the very paradise of Jap ladies. Right here they assemble to debate each topic of curiosity and amusement, whether or not politics, scandal, or information; to rearrange marriages, and to stop them; to ask and to supply recommendation; to show their home supremacy, and to impart their home grievances ; however, above all, to benefit from the noise, the hurry, and the thrill, which type so nice a distinction to the calm and monotony of the harem.

A pair of picket pattens

On leaving the outer corridor, the bather is provided with a pair of picket pattens, raised a number of inches from the ground, which is a lot heated within the inside flats, that, till the vapour has had time to function upon the body, it’s unattainable to the touch it with the bare foot. Thus supplied—and among the many larger courses these pattens are objects-of nice price and luxurious, the band by which they arc secured throughout the instep being continuously inlaid with jewels— the bather passes into the cooling-room, the place plenty of little channels, stuffed with heat water, traverse the ground in each route; which, whereas they add to the warmth, serve to decrease the oppression of the vapour that escapes at every opening of the door of the bathtub itself; an in depth octagon corridor, containing eight fountains, and surrounded by small cupboards for many who don’t select to avail themselves of the extra public condo.

We can’t, maybe, do higher than take an outline of the extraordinary scene introduced by this locality from the pages of an eye-witness.

“ For the primary few moments I used to be bewildered ; the heavy, dense, sulphureous vapour that crammed the place, and virtually suffocated me—the wild shrill cries of the slaves pealing by way of the reverberating domes of the bathing-halls, sufficient to awaken the very marble with which they had been lined—the subdued laughter and whispered conversations of their mistresses, murmuring alongside in an below present of sound—the sight of almost 300 ladies, solely partially dressed, and that in wonderful linen so completely saturated with vapour that it revealed the entire define of the determine—the busy slaves passing and repassing, bare from the waist upwards, and with their arms folded upon their bosoms, balancing on their heads piles of fringed or embroidered napkins-—teams of beautiful ladies, laughing, chatting, and refreshing themselves with sweetmeats, sherbet, and lemonade—events of playful kids, apparently fairly detached to the densr ambiance which made me wrestle for breath—and, to crown all, the sudden bursting forth of a refrain of voices into one of many wildest and shrillest of Turkish melodies, that was caught up and flung again by the echoes of the huge corridor, making a din worthy of a saturnalia of demons, all mixed to type an image just like the illusory semblance of a phantasmagoria, virtually leaving me doubtful whether or not that on which 1 seemed had been certainly actuality, or the mere creation of a distempered mind.”


Celebrated astrologer


Throughout the youth of Sultan Mahmoud, lie was induced to seek the advice of a celebrated astrologer, who, amongst different predictions, foretold, that whereas he continued to construct palaces, he needs to be profitable in all his undertakings. And it will seem that he put essentially the most excellent religion within the prophecy, for each fairly bay within the Bosphorus has its kiosque; and the variety of his residences within the rapid neighborhood of the capital, quantities to fifty-seven. The palace of Bcshik- Tash is the final and most in depth of the entire, however decidedly the least picturesque and chic. Its Armenian architect was not, nevertheless, chosen with out due consideration on the a part of the Sultan, who was gained to determine on the current plan by the peace of mind that it was totally European; a reality which couldn’t be disputed, have been the glittering and well-proportioned columns that help the open peristyle swept away, when this large pile, which has price upwards of one million sterling, would current exactly the looks of a manufactory.

Extraordinarily attribute

There’s an anecdote related with the palace which is extraordinarily attribute of its regal builder, and which can appropriately be launched right here. Whereas but undecided unto whom he ought to confide the good work of its erection, an architect (additionally an Armenian) was launched to the Sultan by one in every of his favourites, and was desired to be upon the spot destined for its web site at a specific hour, with the intention to decide of its capabilities, and to elucidate them to his imperial grasp. Ere they entered upon the precise topic of their assembly, Mahmoud stretched forth his arm in the direction of the Serai Bournou,* of which nothing may he seen above the encircling partitions however the gleaming roofs, with right here and there a tall white minaret, or a stately dome, standing out from amid a forest of cypress and maple-trees; and drily inquired what the stranger considered the palace of Amuratli ? The Armenian cautiously replied, that by no means having been enabled to look at the character of the constructing, lie was completely insufficient to kind any judgment. “ Let liim have the chance;” mentioned the Sultan to the Bey by whom he had been launched, “ and to-morrow I’ll hear the end result.”

The astonished raiah,f consequently, discovered himself in just a few moments darting over the ripple within the ea’ique of his patron; and, ere lengthy, really passing the sacred threshold which it had hitherto been demise to any infidel to tread. Bewildered and, maybe, misled by bis astonishment, and dazzled by the gilding and glitter of the celebrated Serai—or, it might be, frightened of undervaluing by a phrase an edifice which had so lengthy been a world’s marvel—or, once more, tutored by his good friend, the courtier—he declared, when he subsequent stood within the presence of the Sultan, that, in so far as his poor judgment served, earth held nothing to match with the palace of Amurath.

Hurry described


Hurry right here described

On this corridor, amid the noise and hurry right here described, those that frequent it gather around the fountains, that are plentifully equipped with each cold and warm water, every woman attended by a number of slaves; her hair is then combed and saturated with water, poured over it from a basin of metallic; and her limbs are gently rubbed by a hand lined with a small glove, or moderately hag, woven of camel’s hair; after which, she modifies herdripping clothes for others that await her close to the door of the corridor, and passes into the cooling-room. Right here, reclining on mats and carpets, the bathers typically lie for hours, with their hair hid beneath heavy napkins, and their entire individuals wrapped intently in lengthy white scarfs, like winding-sheets. Had been it not that they’re flushed by the motion of the vapour, and for the ceaseless dialog which they keep, they might seem like a celebration of corses ready for burial.

When at size they enterprise into the outer corridor, they directly spring upon their softs, the place the attentive slaves fold them in heat cloths, and pour essence upon their hair, which they twist loosely with out trying to dislodge the moist, after which cowl with good-looking head-kerchiefs of embroidered muslin; perfumed water is scattered over the face and fingers, and the exhausted bather sinks into an opulent slumber beneath a coverlet of satin or of eider-down.

The centre of the ground, in the meantime, is sort of a honest; sweetmeat., sherbet, and fruit-merchants, (outdated crones, who steadily have as many billet-doux as bowls of yakourt f of their baskets,) parade up and down, hawking their wares. Negresses cross from side to side with the dinners, or chibouques,\ of their a number of mistresses; secrets and techniques are wluspered—confidences are made; and, altogether, the scene is so unusual, so new, and withal so enticing, that no European can fail to be each and amused by a go to to a Turkish Hamniam.


The European with the Asian shore Sprinkled with palaces: the ocean-stream Right here and there studded with a seventy-four;

Sophia’s cupola with golden gleam :

The brand new palace of Beshik-Tash, erected by the current Sultan, instructions a noble view of the Propontis; sweeps the Bosphorus by almost its entire size ; seems to be in direction of Scutari, (the Asian jewel seated on the foot of the darkish mountain-chain of Bulgurlhu-Dagi;) affords a glimpse of the traditional Chalccdon ; and contains throughout the vary of its magnificent prospect the snow-crowned summit of Mount Olympus, flashing out within the distance by the clear blue of the horizon like an enormous pearl set in sapphires; the Serai Bournou, whose imperial partitions enclose what was as soon as a metropolis; and the “ Seven Hills” of wonderful Stamboul. The world can in all probability produce no related panorama; and because the traveller stands on the peak above the palace gardens, and appears down upon tire heavy inelegant picket edifice, protected on the seaward aspect by a stately colonnade of white marble, lie could be pardoned ought to he indulge a remorse that this imperial residence ought to he so unworthy of its admirable and unequalled website.

Sultan calmly


“ Would you inform me that Europe boasts not its equal?” requested the Sultan calmly.

I’ve visited most of the cities of the west;” stated the obsequious rai’ah, “and I’ve seen nothing from the rising of the solar to its taking place, so good because the Serai Bournou.”

“ Chok chay—that’s a lot!” smiled the Sultan ; “ then the Franks are liars after they ship me issues like these, and inform me that they signify the palaces of their Padishahs ;”J and as he spoke he drew out a roll of paper which he held in his hand, and exhibited to the discomfited Armenian views of the completely different imperial and royal edifices of Europe. “ Have you ever ever seen any of those Serais ? and do they actually not resemble the drawings now earlier than me ?”

“ They do, might it please your highness; I’ve appeared on a lot of them.”

“ Then,” stated the Sultan, “ you’re unsuited to the enterprise which I con-template ; for none, save a rogue or a idiot, might class that place, fitted just for deeds of blood and thriller”—and he pointed as soon as extra in direction of the Serai Bournou; “ that place, hidden beneath excessive partitions, and amid darkish timber, as if it couldn’t courageous the sunshine of day; with these mild, laughing palaces, open to the free air, and the pure sunshine of heaven. Such would I’ve my very own ; and such it shall be:—now we have due to this fact met for the final time.”

And the Armenian, having prostrated himself earlier than the “ Lord of the Three Seas,” withdrew from the presence of his grasp to consolation himself as he may underneath his disappointment and shame.

Elegant kiosque

The bottom upon which the palace stands was previously occupied by a chic kiosque, constructed by Sultan Selim—a glittering gaily-tinted pavilion, wanting like an enormous tulip amid the cluster of cypresses within the centre of which it rose ; and a Tekie or chapel of Turning Dervishes; whose group, undaunted by the displeasure of the Sultan, continued within the occupation of their dwelling, though the partitions of the brand new palace grew increased from each day, till they pretty overtopped the extra modest roof of the holy constructing. To the frequent orders which they acquired to vacate their Tekie, they replied solely that they weren’t free to depart, because the)- guarded the ashes of a saint; whose tomb, surrounded by a lattice-work of vibrant inexperienced, about half manner up the peak above the channel, was certainly a conspicuous object from tbeir home windows. On this dilemma, the Sultan utilized to the Cheik-Islam, or Excessive Priest, to implement their removing: however he was once more met by a gentle refusal, the Cheik-Islam pleading the hazard of such a precedent, and declining all interference. Sultan Mahmoud heard him in silence, and didn’t once more agitate the query till the chapel was pretty in-built, when he merely knowledgeable the chief Dervish of the exact day on which he was to vacate the premises; or, in default of his so doing, the roof can be pulled concerning the ears of his group. The holy man stood aghast, however there was no different; and the brotherhood in a couple of hours took quiet possession of a good-looking home on the sting of the water, which had been remodeled to them by the Sultan, on the demise of the court docket jester, to whom it had beforehand belonged.


Turkish line battle ships


Turkish line of battle ships

The magnificent Turkish line-of-battle ships, when in harbour, are anchored about mid-stream, within the instant neighborhood of Beshik-Tash; and nothing might be finer than the impact of their stupendous brass weapons when firing a salute. The peal rattles alongside the hills, flung again at intervals by the partitions of the Seraglio, till it lastly dies away within the distance, throwing an extended musical sound, just like the hole rumbling of a coming storm alongside the billows of the Black Sea.

The gardens of the palace are in depth, however would require time to make them worthy of description ; at current, an incredible portion of the hill-side behind the constructing is left in its authentic state, boasting for all decoration sweeps of positive cypresses, and right here and there a tuft of almond timber, a gaggle of acacias, or an impressive maple; whereas the white tents of the Bulgarian workmen employed upon the partitions, give to the scene the picturesque and cheerful look of a summer time encampment.


THESE fortresses stand on both shore of the Bosphorus, about midway up; the place the channel is unusually slim, and was as soon as traversed by the celebrated bridge of Darius. The Anadoli Ilissari, or Citadel of Asia, was, through the reign of the Janissaries, the jail of the Bostangis, or body-guard of the Sultan, who had been right here immured or executed as the character of their crimes dictated. It rises on the lip of a pleasing rivulet which empties itself into the Bosphorus, and washes the tree-fringed valley of the Asian Candy Waters, known as by the natives Gu’iuk-Suy, or Chest-water, from the intense purity of the spring.

The Roumeli Hissari, or Citadel of Europe, on the other shore, is of very singular development, the ground-plan forming the characters of the Prophet’s identify; by whom, custom says that it was inbuilt six days, by permission of the Greek emperor, who, with extra courtesy than coverage, acceded to the need of Mahomet to own a pied-h-terre on the European fringe of the channel. This fortress was the celebrated jail of the Janissaries; and the massive gun but fills its embrasure on the decrease rampart, which was fired on the execution of each felony, to announce to the Sultan that the responsible one had expiated his crime. The energy of the Citadel is way better than its look from the ocean would point out; and it’s properly provided with water, and the technique of storing provisions. The Traitor’s Gate is the one seaward entrance to the fortress ; and thru its low extensive arch the our bodies of the strangled Janissaries had been dragged by the heels, and Hung into the Bosphorus. There arc 4 principal towers, one in all which often served as a state jail for individuals of distinction ; that instantly above it, is named the Tower of Blood, the place the Agas, or chiefs of the Janissaries, had been put to dying privately, and their our bodies conveyed to the Bosphorus by a tunnel excavated beneath the foundations of the fortress; it being thought-about unsafe and impolitic to dishonour their stays within the eyes of that formidable physique, within the public method during which the corses of their much less distinguished comrades had been mutilated and insulted.


This article is published for EnmarBg. For more interesting information about personal tours Bulgaria, please visit personal tours Bulgaria .