Luck Nahum


Nahum Within the Emperor’s palace.

NEARLY nineteen hundred years in the past there lived an amazing grasp in Israel named Nahum. He dwelt in Gimzo, a small city within the Holy Land. Ke counted amongst his disciples the celebrated Akiba, who died a martyr’s dying within the 12 months 135 c.E.

Nahum was referred to as by his iriends “ Ish Gam Zu,” which corresponds to “ The Fortunate Man.” The precise that means of the phrases is, “ The person of this additionally.’’, This nickname arose from Nahum’s behavior of asserting, “ This is also for one of the best,” each time when good or evil fortune befell him.

Now’ it occurred that the Jews needed to ship a gift to the Roman Emperor. At this era the Jews had been not their very own masters. Judea was a part of the Roman Empire and ds inhabitants had been compelled to pay tribute to their imperial grasp. The elders of Israel met and requested each other: “ Who shall be our consultant to go to Rome to see the mighty Csesar ? Whom can we belief as our messenger to convey our reward to the Emperor ? ”

The bulk voted for Nahum of Gimzo

The bulk voted for Nahum of Gimzo; they stated: “ Can we discover anybody in our midst extra appropriate f Can we not know that our Heavenly Father has wrought so many miracles on his behalf ? ” It was fiually agreed that Nahum must be their messenger. The elders went to tell him, and located that he was residing In a wretched hut; the partitions had been nearly tottering, and it appeared as if the roof would collapse. “ Won’t your home fall in ? ” they exclaimed in alarm, as they had been about to cross its threshold. “ It won’t fall in,” replied Nahum, “ so long as I’m beneath its roof. Haven’t any concern, good masters! we’re completely protected on this my humble dwelling.”

“ Come now, good Nahum, hearken to us,” they started ; “ we come to you from the monks and the scribes, and see what we’ve got introduced with us. This golden casket is lull of most valuable jewels. Take it to Rome and ship it to the Emperor as a tribute from our individuals. Plead with lam and his counsellors to remit our burdens, and to endure us to rebuild the Temple of God on Mount Zion. Go in peace, and will the Lord prosper your means.”

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