Inventory Church


The peasants convey reside inventory to church

Generally the peasants convey reside inventory to church. One morning, on per week day, I went into San Simeone, to which Queen Elizabeth of Hungary gave the excellent space of silver gilt which incorporates, it’s stated, the stays of the saint. I discovered there plenty of peasants, women and men, all in attribute costumes. Solely peasants have been there. Some have been quietly sitting, some kneeling, some standing, with their market-baskets set down on the pavement beside them. In a hidden place behind the excessive altar, above which is raised the good, carved sarcophagus, clergymen have been droning the workplace. A peasant in pink, with a gesture, invited me to take a seat beside him. I did so, and he whispered in my ear some phrases I couldn’t perceive; however I gathered that one thing essential was about to happen. Each face was expectant. All eyes have been earnestly fastened upon the sarcophagus. A lady got here in, carrying in her arms a turkey, which seemed anxious-minded, crossed herself, and waited with us, gazing. The droning voices ceased. A form of carilIon sounded brightly. All of us knelt, the lady with the turkey, too, as a priest in scarlet and white mounted the steps which divide the altar from the world. There was a second of deep silence. Then the good, glittering, and sloping lid, with its recumbent determine of the saint, slowly rose between the bronze supporting figures. My peasant buddy touched me, stood up, and led the way in which towards the altar. I adopted him with therest of the congregation, and we filed slowly up the steps, and one after the other gazed down into the dim coffin. There I noticed a cranium, and the obscure brown stays of what had as soon as been a human being, mendacity within the midst of votive choices. On the fingers of 1 hand, which seemed as if made from tobacco leaf, have been clusters of rings. The fats, bronze faces on all sides appeared smiling. However the peasants stood in awe. And presently the good lid sank down. All made the signal of the cross. The market-baskets have been picked up, and the turkey was restored to the daylight.

Near San Simeone

Near San Simeone are the cinque pozzi—5 fountains in a row, with iron wheels above them. They’re between 4 and 5 hundred years previous, and lie nearly on the foot of the Venetian tower, close to a Corinthian column and the fragments of a Roman arch. Simply behind them some steps lead as much as one of many scrumptious shady locations of Zara. Mount them, and you’ll have a contented shock such because the little Dalmatian cities are at all times prepared to provide you.

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